The HR Space: A No-Sludge Zone

We’re a marketing firm. A pretty darn good one too. But our success is predicated on the success of the HR marketplace and the businesses that sell HR-related products and services. And those businesses’ success is predicated by companies worldwide purchasing those HR-related products and services.

All economic indicators “indicate” that there’s more sludge to wade through before we truly bottom out and rise above, but we’ve seen sparks of life in April. (You think any HR suppliers have a shot at Buffett’s 20 million?)

Sparks of life are odd, since April historically has been a slow month in this space, but this is an odd world we do business in.

The primary indicator for us has been a flurry of business in April, including our acquisition of the HR Vendor Phonebook. You can catch with all the latest M&A activity here.

Focusing again on April you may have read some of these headlines:

Sure, some of it’s about the spin, but we think more and more businesses are becoming acclimated to the brave new world of business and are forging ahead.

We’ll also bet you can expect these marketing trends this year and next (which follow our annual vendor reports):

Let’s all hope we can slip n’ slide through the summer months and come out the other side drenched in new sales and not more sludge.

Post by Kevin Grossman (join me on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn)

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