Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Conference Insights Reports: What’s the Big Deal?

Many you have seen our conference insights reports in which we analyze the Twitter conversations for an event hashtag. Some recent reports include Oracle OpenWorld, HR Technology Conference and Workday Rising.

The Conferences Database, one of several databases in the Research module of HRmarketer software, monitors more than 700 global HR and benefits events (yes, there are that many), and we'll be doing these reports for all events that have a hashtag.

A sampling of the influencers and analysts who
are engaged with HR technology events.
The insights reports we've made available to the public have been well received and have generated thousands of unique page views. They provide some fun data, such as who gets mentioned the most in tweets (one sign of influence), what content is most shared, and the popular and trending topics. It's interesting to see how the trending topics mirror what sessions are taking place at a particular time. And how popular those sessions are. 

It's also been interesting to calculate an event’s Twitter Engagement score, a term we coined that compares the number of people sending at least one tweet at an event to the total expected attendees of that event. A loose number (not everyone who tweets is at the event) but, nevertheless, useful. It can give event organizers an idea of how well they've integrated social into their event strategy and the social use of the attendee demographic. As of day two, Oracle OpenWorld scored 12 percent. For an event of its size, that's a high score. The HR Technology Conference is tracking at 15 percent, a very high score considering the event is several weeks away. On the flip side, as of day two, Benefits Forum & Expo was scoring at only 7 percent. Draw your own conclusions.   

But the real value of these reports comes when you analyze multiple events together. For example, we ran a quick query Monday night of this week to find the people and brands that have engaged with all three of the events, Oracle OpenWorld, HR Technology Conference and Workday Rising. We found 33, including such familiar names as Holger Mueller, R Ray Wang, Naomi Bloom, Jarret Pazahanick and Jason Averbook. The list is full of influencers and analysts who are clearly staying on top of the HR tech marketplace. You can view the entire list here:

It is also interesting to run a query that tells you the "most engaged" people for events that relate to a particular topic, such as affordable health care. Or to search across all events transcripts to see who shared content that mentioned a particular topic or company name. To do this, the software analyzes the content linked to by a social update because, more often than not, the social update (e.g., tweet) doesn't mention the company name or topic.   

You can also run a query to find all the events a particular person or brand is engaged with. And my favorite, to view a popularity tag cloud of topics across several events and access the source content. Yes, Big Data is still a popular topic in HR tech. This data is more important than ever considering Google recently moved to entirely secure search.  

If you are interested in previewing the software behind all this (HRmarketer), please contact us. These event insight reports are just a sliver of the market intelligence available via HRmarketer software. We also analyze tens of thousands of HCM blogs, articles, news stories, as well as conversations amongst thousands of influencers, analysts and other social "voices" on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. The intelligence available through the software is, well, a big deal, and will help improve your marketing. 

We'd be happy to run some reports for your brand (company or individual) if you like. Contact us at We'll do a comp report for the first 10 that request a report. And if you’d like a 20-minute demo of our software, please go to:

Related Post: 6 #Hashtag Tips for Conference Organizers

Post written by Mark Willaman, the founder and CEO of HRmarketer Software and fisher VISTA. Connect with Mark on LinkedIn


  1. I'm fascinated by your analysis and looking forward to learning more.

  2. Hello Naomi,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read our post and comment. It really means a lot to us. I would be delighted to answer any questions you may have about our analysis software for the HR marketplace. Perhaps we will have a chance to talk soon. - Mark Willaman, founder of HRmarketer
