Keep your content current and don’t wear oversized gym shorts

We've been recommending to HR suppliers for years to send out at least one press release per month – to journalists direct and via an Internet wire service like our Direct2Net services (PRWeb) – whether that be a standard product news release or some type of topical/educational release. I can't tell you how many times I still hear a supplier's conundrum on what to write a release about month after month after month.

Take the time to develop an internal editorial calendar. That's one of the first things we help our services clients do is create a marketing PR road map. But writing monthly press releases is only one part of a larger content strategy that helps you increase your visibility, traffic and leads.

One blog post in months, one podcast, one Webcast, one white paper, one case study – all of these activities are important – but isolated in a promotional vacuum won't prevent them from yellowing and crumbling with age quickly. Just look at what your competitors are doing every day.

One of my colleagues sent me this news blip last week that emphasized the importance of new content creation:

According to BearingPoint global director of integrated marketing Paul Dunay, 120,000 new blogs are created every day—an indicator that user-generated content is surpassing that created by publishers. In 2005, the refresh cycle for media Web sites was about three months, he says. Today, the cycle is seconds because of UGC.

Seconds. Mercy. Yes, it can be mind boggling but can also still be manageable even with limited resources. Recently I asked what are you being found online for? Even though you really can't control your message or brand direct any longer, you can ensure that regular content articulating your messages are created and distributed online.

Otherwise you're found online with releases from 1999, a blog with a last posting from 2003, maybe an old case study or two for good measure – and from one of your ex-employees a video posting of you at the last company barbecue after you had one too many Bud Lights and went long for a pass into ravine full of poison oak, just as your oversized junior high gym shorts fell to your ankles.

Not pretty, but you can make a difference for your organization by keeping your content fresh, especially when HR buyers are clamoring to reach you via sites like our new HR Community.

I agree with Paul Dunayinformation isn't currency unless it's current.

Post by Kevin Grossman

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