Building a New Network and Riding Their Wave

There are situations in life that you will need to build a NEW network of contacts, friends, co-workers, and perhaps new dating possibilities, which we all know can be a very challenging situation!  

In a new environment, you want to be involved with people of like minds, have the same objectives, enjoy the same things, who share your view of the world and how to contribute to it.   Moving, a new job, a life change, and in some cases all of the above are reasons for this.  The most common situation for most of us when a new network is necessary is when you are moving to a new place and want to make connections and contribute to your new community.   

Well that is what happened with me recently when I moved to the United Kingdom.   Because our company is growing and expanding our offerings into the global market, it made sense to open a new office for HRmarketer and SocialEars HR in the UK.  This decision fit perfectly into a personal need I had to relocate, so we opened a new office just north of London. This allowed me to not only service a couple of UK clients, but also witness the expansion and huge awareness of all things HR here in the UK and being able to jump on early side of the “wave”.

I knew that I had to build a network of UK and EU thought leaders and experts, and that I had to start early so that when I opened up my new office in mid-July I would have a jump start on my new network.  I knew I needed to find people that I could observe, listen to, carry on discussions with and participate in the content that they are sharing in the industry.  

How to do this? OMG – the task seemed overwhelming – but I could hardly contain my excitement when I realized that I had the tool, right at my fingertips, that would give me all that I needed – like having my own admin assistant!

“Here you go Mrs. Jackson.”
“Why thank you very much.”

That tool is the database of global HR focused information in  

Through HRmarketer I had access to all UK and EU focused HR conferences, media outlets, journalists, analysts, bloggers, thought leaders, experts, writers, consultants and social voices - and not just their names but their FULL contact info!  The smashing thing about this (see I am already talking like a Brit), is that the contact info also contained the ability to follow them Twitter. YES – all I had to do was identify all UK & EU influencers and while on this list of well over 450 names – follow each of them on Twitter because HRmarketer can integrate with your social media accounts.  Instead of a 12 hour job, I was done in 30 minutes – YEP that is what I said.  I could have used that extra 11 ½ hours to go to the local pub, but instead I worked (honest Mark I did).

Over the past 3 months, I have commented on blogs, read and saved relevant and thought provoking content, communicated with many new friends and continued to be educated by a new network of people who will be nurturing and growing the HR industry here – and I am now in a place to catch the wave and ride it.   

Post written by HRmarketer / SocialEars team member Rita Jackson.

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