A lot of people send me books to review. Most are not that impressive. They simply recycle old ideas and offer nothing of real value. So when Nick McCormick, author of a new book called Lead Well and Prosper from Be Good Ventures, LLC asked me to review his book I reluctantly said "sure, send me a copy".
The book presents "15 Successful Strategies for Becoming a Good Manager".
I really liked it.
True, it recycles some age old principles of management that the Peter Drucker's and Tom Peter's of the world wrote about decades ago. But I really enjoyed this book. It's a quick read, user friendly and uses humor and story telling to convey key points. This book not only shows managers what the "right things" are to do as managers, but it offers practical, ready-to-execute actions.
The key points are dead-on-accurate. I especially loved the names of the fictional characters Joe Kerr, Wanda B. Goode, Lee Dergood, etc. Funny stuff.
Seriously, buy a few copies of this book and give them to your managers. And read it yourself. It even includes an "Am I a Good Manager Quiz" which you can complete online.
By the way, the author has a unique blog titled Joe and Wanda - On Management based on the characters in the book.Labels: book review, leadership