HR Blogs Galore!

Earlier today I was scanning The Wall Street Journal when something caught my eye in the Personal Technology section. (How many papers – print or online – can you actually “read” everyday?) The article was all about RSS readers (Really Simple Syndication) and how you can use them to keep your news sites, blogs and other websites organized into one easy-to-scan interface.

Something I didn’t know was that browsers such as Firefox for Windows PCs and Apple Computer’s Macintosh models, and Apple’s own Safari browser for the Mac, can now bookmark and display your news feeds. Thank goodness because the last time I used the RSS reader I purchased and downloaded months ago was well, months ago.

What the heck does this have to do with the human capital marketplace? While I reorganized my favorite blog feeds into my Firefox browser, I found some great new blogs full of rich commentary and insight about the HR industry: